Epices-Roellinger.com N°1

Format 11 cm x 15,5 cm
112 pages (Written in French)
The content is about recipes concerning the following products :
- Poudre Retour des Indes®
- Poudre Grande Caravane®
- Poudre Gallo (Gallo)
- Poudre des Alizés® (Tradewinds)
- Poudre Equinoxiale
- Huile et Cumbavas (Kaffir lime infused oil)
- Vinaigre Celtique ® (Celtic vinegar)
The travel journal format with drawings and sketches by Pascal Tessier will encourage you to play around in the kitchen with our spice blends.
Emmanuel Tessier explains the purpose of this cookbook. "I’ve compiled the best recipes from my cooking classes at La Cuisine Corsaire in this slim cookbook illustrated by my brother."
The Epices Roellinger volumes are small, easy-to-carry cookbooks filled with the healthful, flavorful recipes developed for La Cuisine Corsaire cooking school.
The cookbooks in our ‘Carnets’ collection will also show you how to use Olivier Roellinger’s signature spice blends to enhance the flavors of simple ingredients. These blends are designed to highlight delicate tastes, temper pungency, and elevate the various flavors in a given dish.