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French Guiana Vanilla Bean

French Guiana Vanilla Bean
Ingredients: Guianan vanilla bean from organic farming
A pompona vanilla bean with hints of almond milk aromas. Use to flavor custards and panna cottas.
€12.50 1 vanilla bean (4 g)
  • Origin French Guiana
  • Storage / Use Sealed in its glass tube, in a cool, dark, dry place.
€3,125 / kg

Olivier Rœllinger's words

This pompona vanilla bean (Vanilla pompona) has a cookie/biscuit-like bouquet and hints of almond milk .


10 years ago, a stonemason in French Guiana developed a passion for growing vanilla beans. He gathered several vanilla orchids from the tropical forest, and then propagated them in his garden.

Today, the same man tends 600 Vanilla pompona grandiflora vines.

He has renamed them "Finga" because the beans grow in bunches that look like the fingers of a hand.