Atlas des épices
A world tour of flavours in 50 recipes and meetings.
Author: Beena Paradin Migotto
Préface : Olivier Roellinger
Octobre 2021 ( Written in French)
Author: Beena Paradin Migotto
Préface : Olivier Roellinger
Octobre 2021 ( Written in French)
The quest for spices emboldened humanity to cross land and sea for ingredients that enhance everyday dishes and transform recipes into extraordinary creations with their exceptional flavors.
Guided by chefs she meets around the world, author Beena Paradin Migotto takes us on an educational, sensory journey (Alberto Herráiz, Anto Cocagne, David Lebovitz, Fatéma Hal, Gilles and Nicolas Verot, Laura Zavan, Mathilde and Olivier Roellinger, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Sonia Ezgulian…).
She shares:
• The origin and history of spices;
• A comprehensive spice glossary with their various uses and blends;
• 50 original recipes, from appetizers to desserts.
Let spices add a touch of the exotic to your cooking!